Jamie and Laura Henshall, the dynamic duo behind the agency

- PART 1 -

First came love, then came marriage.

Behind every family-owned business is a personal history, or story, that’s led them to the place they are today. TNM Creative Media is no different.

Jamie and Laura’s story starts way back in high school, where the two first met. Both born and raised in Manchester, the pair’s paths collided several times, in college and years later at a friend’s concert, before Jamie took the big step in asking her on a date. 

One of the biggest draws to each other was their shared interests and passions. One in particular, the love of travel, sparked a number of moves and experiences, which ultimately landed them in the Land Down Under – their family’s home for the past decade.

Fast forward, and the couple have now been happily married for 6 years, with three beautiful daughters – 3-year-old Esme and identical twins Amelie and Lucie – and run a successful business hand-in-hand with love, respect and a joint passion for what they do.

 Then came TNM.

Both Jamie and Laura have had very different career paths, each lending a special expertise to the company and helping their clients to achieve 360-degree, comprehensive outcomes.

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Jamie ‘Jack-Of-All-Trades’ Henshall.

There has never been a person more suited to this nickname. Jamie has one hand in everything and pumps out content like a broken water pipe, fast and non-stop. He can complete the work of three people in half the time, and often leaves you wondering if he somehow has more hours in the week than the rest of us.

Jamie kicked off his career, unsurprisingly, in the food industry as a chef. Spanning over 16 years, he cooked everywhere, from hatted restaurants and stadiums, to corporate venues and pop-up events. 

He was then inspired to leave the kitchen to pursue a food development role for the largest catering company in Australia. It was here that he began to marry his creative side with his knowledge of food and the industry, to offer clients a very uniquely catered marketing experience that was faithful to the industry.

In 2014, he and his wife took a leap of faith and started their family brand ‘The Northern Monkey’ which has evolved into TNM Creative Media. 

Jamie has since worked alongside some of the best chefs in the world, industry specialists, food brands, stylists and photographers. His combined passion, knowledge of the industry and creativity is truly unrivalled, and is evident in everything he creates, from high-end photo and video content, to blogs, vlogs and podcasts.


Laura ‘Queen-Of-Hearts’ Henshall.

Laura is the biggest sweetheart with the warmest heart you’ll ever meet. She has impressive qualifications as an international speaker, speaker coach, actress and founder of Speakers Little Secrets, matched with a genuine desire for her clients to succeed in sharing their gifts and powerful messages with the world.

Her passion for the arts began as a young girl whilst performing in plays and musicals. However, her shy, reserved nature and lack of confidence often stopped her from experiencing lead roles and recognition. The discovery of her true talent and powerful voice didn’t come until she embarked on her studies as an actress and was chosen as one of two from her year to go on exchange to university in NYC to study voice, dance and acting.

Laura teaches her clients to speak with confidence in everything they do, whether it be delivering a TEDx talk to hundreds of people on stage, or launching sell-out events. She is the go-to expert in public speaking, helping clients of all skill-levels and experiences in finding clarity in their message and delivering with impact.

Her work is holistic, playful and transformative, helping her clients discover exactly what they want to say to their audience, and then doing it with confidence, ease and authenticity.

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There’s no better duo to manage your brand.

With TNM Creative Media, you get the high-quality content and specialised experience and skills you’re looking for, with the added benefit of working with two down-to-earth people who pride themselves on their genuine care for you and your brand’s success.

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